Are you 23 or over?
Is it your dream to become a nurse in Ireland?
The above course could be the first step in achieving this dream.
Better still, you can complete it without leaving your home.
If you are 23 or over and interested in a career in nursing in Ireland, you will know that the mature route into nursing involves sitting a computer based assessment, usually in May, consisting of three aptitude tests. Only those applicants who achieve above a certain score in this assessment will be considered for an offer as a mature code applicant. Unless there is a considerable amount of preparation done for these tests, most candidates would have little chance of achieving the required score. While preparation from books will help to a certain extent, a preparation course where students are provided with relevant sample questions and guided to complete them with speed and accuracy can be much more effective.
Some features of this online course:
- A high percentage of students who complete the course achieve a third level place in nursing or midwifery each year.
- A very important feature of this course is that it provides computer based tests which can be completed at any time and in any place where WiFi is available and receive immediate feedback on the results.
- The course consists of 9 videos, 27 practice tests and 12 downloadable documents.
- All tests are computer based. Immediately, on clicking Submit, the following information will be provided for each question in that test – whether each answer is correct or incorrect, the correct answer and an explanation as to why it is the correct answer, allowing the learner to see their mistake if they got it wrong.
- Learners can repeat each test as often as they wish, each time receiving the above feedback. This will allow learners to become proficient in this method of assessment.
- All learners will be provided with the tutor’s contact details and are encouraged to ring, text or e-mail her if they have any questions.
- This format cuts out the cost and inconvenience of travelling to a particular venue.
- It also provides the convenience of completing the tests at the most suitable times for the learner.
- You can complete the tests on a PC, laptop, tablet or mobile phone.
- When you pay for the course online, it may take up to 2 days to receive the material.
The course costs €75 in total which includes all the tests, answers etc, as described above, the guiding videos and access to the tutor for clarification of anything required.
The Team
- BSc in Science and Mathematics.
- Higher Diploma in Education.
- Masters in Education, specialising in assessment.
- 35 years of teaching a wide range of subjects, including Mathematics.
- 25 years of co-ordinating and teaching Pre Nursing students, including helping them to prepare for the Mature Nursing Assessment when it was introduced.
- 12 years experience of running this type of course, both online and face to face courses.
- A personal approach to the course whereby people who purchase the course are given Susan’s contact details and encouraged to contact her if they have any queries.
- Five published books and a sixth book being published this year.
- BSc in Computing in Games Development
- 11 years of teaching a wide range of subjects in the areas of computing, graphic design & games development
- 9 years of co-ordinating and teaching IT, Multimedia & Games students
- 15 years of experience in providing IT and network consultancy and support
- IT backend support to ensure that the online components of the course run smoothly
- Director Of Training at Entrepreneurs Academy
- Specialising in Leadership, Communication & Presentation Skills
- IT / Social Media, Sales & Marketing
The Mature Nursing Entry Assessment 2024
This was an online assessment involving remote proctoring (online monitoring). It took place in May and each candidate could choose the most suitable time for them to complete it. There were three sections in the assessment – Understanding Basic Instructions, Basic Numerical Comprehension and Job Simulation. The assessment in 2025 is expected to be similar.
The Mature Nursing Entry assessment 2025
This will take place at the end of April (subject to change) and will be an online assessment with remote proctoring (online monitoring). There will be three tests of a similar type to the 2024 assessment – Understanding Basic Instructions (Verbal Reasoning), Numeracy (Basic Numerical Comprehension) and Job Simulation.
In order to provide the best preparation for the 2025 assessment, 27 practice tests are provided on this course – 7 Verbal Reasoning, 3 Numerical Ability, 6 Numerical Reasoning, 6 Basic Numerical Comprehension and 5 Job Simulation. Basic Numerical Comprehension was the format of numerical test used since 2021 it is probable that the format will be similar this year. Some Numerical Ability and Numerical Reasoning tests have been provided just in case there is a change this year.
Here is a summary of the material covered in the Practice Tests
Verbal Reasoning – examines an applicant’s verbal proficiency and their ability to glean specific information from a wide source of materials.
Numerical Ability – explores the learner’s ability to manipulate numbers and carry out simple arithmetical calculations.
Numerical Reasoning – investigates the candidate’s ability to find relevant information from passages, graphs, charts and tables involving numerical data, manipulate numbers and carry out arithmetical calculations.
Basic Numerical Comprehension – involves tests where an unknown value or values are calculated from equations.
Job Simulation Exercise: This exercise presents the applicant with a number of scenarios of typical situations that could occur during the course of a nurse’s working life. The candidate has to read these scenarios and answer questions relating to them. The aim of this part of the assessment is to gauge whether the applicant has the required qualities to make a good nurse or midwife.
Click for Free Sample Questions
- 27 Computer Based Tests – 7 Verbal Reasoning, 3 Numerical Ability, 6 Numerical Reasoning, 6 Basic Numerical Comprehension and 5 Job Simulation
- 9 Videos – these explain how to do the tests and give tips on how to improve speed and accuracy.
- 12 Downloadable Documents – Power Point demonstrations of the videos, Worksheets, a list of tests and a list of videos.
On completing each test you will be told – the number you scored correctly, the correct answer for each Question and an explanation for each correct answer.
Cost of Course: €75
- Apply for this online course
- Apply through the CAO for a number of types of nursing in a selection of colleges by 1 February 2025. If you have missed this deadline, you can apply as a late applicant between 5 March and 1 May 2025.
- Go to and read everything it says about the assessment.
- Register for the assessment before the date which will be provided soon.
- Be well prepared for the tests which will take place in May 2025.
- Practice and learn from your mistakes.
Ring or text Susan on 086 8807112
E-mail on
This is a privately run business which is in no way connected to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI). The Assessment Test is run by the NMBI. All practice tests are designed in line with tests from previous years. No responsibility can be taken for any future changes that may be made to the assessment by the NMBI. However, if such changes are made, we guarantee to provide additional material on new topics or formats.
Joanna W (verified owner)
I decided once the CAO was open for applications that 2025 was going to be my year to start my training as a nurse, so I got my application in for all the different branches in an colleges I could commute to. I looked up the NMBI website, but there was no new information for 2025. I assumed that it would be the same as for 2024 and decided I was going to start work on it immediately. I am always prepared to pay for help, so when I purchased the practice tests on this website, I was glad I had started early. There are so many practice tests. I hope that 2025 will really be the year for me, but I think I will have a good chance if I go through all these tests!
Sarah W (verified owner)
I applied for mature nursing for three consecutive years and never even passed the assessment. A friend who did the course in 2023 told me about it and said I should try it. She found it helpful and got a place in nursing. I took her advice and could not believe how much it helped, especially in the numeracy. I was never any good at Maths, but the way the numeracy questions were explained helped me to understand what was going on. I have now joined my friend in college, which is great cos she can answer a lot of the questions I have about the lectures and placements.
Julia (verified owner)
I kept meaning to start my preparations for the assessment, but never seemed to get around to it. With only a month to the assessment, I started getting desperate and Googled to see if I could find anything to help me. I had a very limited budget and the only course I could find within this budget was the Online Aptitude Test Preparation Course for Mature Nursing Entry on this website. I was not too hopeful about it, but it turned out to be the best €75 I ever spent! The videos explained all about the the assessment and gave great tips on increasing speed and accuracy. When I actually took the assessment, I realized that the practice tests on the course really prepared you for the real tests. Because I was well prepared, I did not panic doing the actual assessment and felt quite confident at the end of it. It turned out that my confidence was well founded since I was offered my first choice – General Nursing in Trinity! I can really recommend this course!
Denise O D (verified owner)
This course is amazing. I highly recommend doing it. It helped me be prepared and feel confident for taking the exam. It was well worth the price as I was offered a place on general nursing. Thank you Susan !
Tracey (verified owner)
I bought this online course a few days ago and I didn’t really know what to expect, but I was very pleased with all I got. There were nine videos which explained all about the assessment in general, with loads of information and tips about the individual tests. The practice tests gave you a great idea of what the actual assessment will be like and are designed to help you learn from your mistakes. I’m starting to feel confident about the assessment already and that’s after only a few days!
Paul (verified owner)
The Guidance Counsellor in college told me about this course. She said students from other years did it and most of them got a place in nursing. I took her advice and so far I am finding it very good. I find that by actually doing the tests, you learn more from it and the explanations for the answers are very clear and easy to understand.
Sarah G (verified owner)
I have just finished the NMBI assessment! It was tough but I felt really prepared for it by doing this course. I am quietly confident that I will get my first choice of General Nursing.
Elizabeth W
This course suited my life-style down to the ground! I could watch videos and complete tests in bite size pieces, whenever I had even a small amount of free time. And it paid off – I was offered my first choice of general nursing.
This course was very informative and easy to follow. It helped me achieve my goal of getting a place in Intellectual Disability Nursing.
I did this course last year and found it very helpful. Unfortunately nerves got the better of me on the day of the assessment and I did not get a high enough score to be offered a place, although I did reach the pass score. This year I decided to do the same course again since I knew it was only nerves that got to me last year. I was delighted to see that there was new material and tests, which made the course even more useful and I was confident that I would be offered a place this year. I was right! I just got an email, telling me that I got my first choice, midwifery in Trinity.
Just got my first choice – general nursing in UCD. Couldn’t have done it without this course!
April (verified owner)
I did this course last year and found it a great help – it explained things so clearly. Unfortunately nerves got the better of me on the day of the assessment and although I passed it, my score was not good enough to be offered a place in nursing. When I decide that I wanted to try again this year, there was only one course for me and that is Susan’s course. I was delighted to discover that there was new information and new tests, but the price was the same as last year provided you used the promo code provided. I feel so confident that I will get a place next year.
Carol Boardman (verified owner)
I have thought for a time about returning to college to do midwifery however i was worried about the assessment test and didn’t think i had the skills to even attempt it . I signed up for this course some weeks ago and was really happy. The course covers everything one needs to complete the test . No stone is left unturned . The videos and tests show you everything you need to know and more . I would highly recommend this course to anybody thinking of nursery or midwifery as a career
Abiola (verified owner)
I was delighted to be offered my first choice in nursing, General in UCD. Unfortunately I will have to defer it until next year for personal reasons, but there is no doubt in my mind that I would not have gotten it if I didn’t do this course. I would recommend it to any mature student who wants to get into nursing by the assessment route.
I bought this course last September to give myself lots of time to prepare and boy was I glad I did! I found the videos and practice tests very useful and was just beginning to think I might get through the tests okay when a week before the assessment, NMBI changed the Numerical part completely! I panicked at first, but over the week, Susan provided a load of additional material which helped greatly. It all paid off and I was recently offered my first choice, Mental Health Nursing in DKIT. Thanks Susan.
Audrey (verified owner)
I’ve just been offered my second choice, Mental Health, but I’m absolutely delighted because I was thinking of changing my first choice anyway. I have to say it was a long, hard struggle to get to this stage. I found the Numerical section practice questions very hard and then very near the assessment NMBI changed the whole format of it. I nearly cracked up, but Susan sent additional information which was hard to understand at first, but eventually made sense and I found the Numerical Test ok in the end. The whole assessment was very stressful, though, and my Verbal test froze. Throughout the whole thing Susan supported us via email and I really don’t think I would have got this place if I hadn’t done this course.
I am so excited! I have been offered my first choice – Midwifery in Trinity! I could not have achieved my dream without this course.
Marta (verified owner)
I am delighted I purchased this course, it’s being so helpful so far with explanations and examples, and the fact that it corrects with a click rather than having to check answer by answer. I feel that I am truly learning!
Aaron (verified owner)
I am hoping to apply for nursing in the next academic year and having to sit the aptitude test for mature students has caused me a great deal of anxiety as I have been out of school for a number of years now. I enrolled on your course four weeks ago and it has already given me a great deal of confidence and insight into what the assessment actually entails. I carried out thorough research into other preparation courses for the assessment and am happy that I have chosen this one. It is a very accessible and easy to use course with explanations given in simple terms, allowing me to fully understand and comprehend what is expected of me in the assessment. I would highly recommend this course to anyone considering taking up a nursing career as a mature student.
This course was great! I got a score of 177 and was offered Midwifery in Trinity – my first choice! I can highly recommend it.
I had to wait for the second round of offers, but I was then offered my first choice – midwifery in Trinity! I never would have made it without Susan’s course.
I am delighted that I have been offered my first choice – ID nursing in DKIT. Thanks very much, Susan, for your help and knowledge in the run up to the exam and the excellent course that you run.
I was planning to do a face to face course to help me prepare for the assessment in April, but then Covid came along And they all stopped running. I was relieved when a friend told me about Susan’s online course, although a little skeptical. That soon changed when I saw the video lessons and practice tests. They made everything clear and I was not surprised when I got my results – 171, the exact score last year for my first choice, Midwifery in TCD. Fingers crossed the points don’t go up! Anyway, it was money well spent!
This was an amazing course! I took the test last year, without doing a course and passed the Job Simulation, but failed the Verbal Aptitude and Numerical Aptitude. With the help of the detailed lessons on the course, I now understand everything so much better! I am very confident now that I will not only pass each of the three tests, but get a high enough score to be offered my first choice, General Nursing in UCD.
Karin (verified owner)
I would have been lost without Susan's training course. The aptitude tests are quite difficult, but with the additional training, I was taught how to interpret and navigate these questions. I also gained strategies on how to best perform during the allocated time periods, and how to get the highest possible score within these time frames. I found the course to be extremely beneficial and I got high scores in all three tests. I actually ended up not doing nursing, but taking my first choice, Occupational Therapy. Learning how to do the tests was great experience and I may use this knowledge in the future.
Catherine (verified owner)
I have always found Maths difficult and thought I would never pass the Numerical Interpretation section, but with Susan’s help and practising the tests over and over again on the computer, I got into Mental Health Nursing in DkIT
Dearbhaille (verified owner)
I actually enjoyed doing this course and found it very helpful, especially all the tips to improve speed and accuracy. It certainly paid off for me because I got my first choice of ID Nursing.
Jennifer (verified owner)
This was a brilliant course and it helped me improve my confidence greatly so that I was not really nervous on the day of the assessment. I got my first choice of General Nursing in DkIT.
Pauline (verified owner)
This course was time and money well spent. It brought me from being scared when I saw the first sample tests to being completely at ease on the assessment day and I got into my first choice of Mental Health Nursing in UCD.
Aislinn (verified owner)
Thank you, Susan. The course took the anxiety out of the assessment since we were so well prepared for the three tests. I was particularly worried about the Verbal section but I scored highly in all three tests and am now studying Mental Health Nursing.
Gary (verified owner)
I took the assessment last year without doing a course and I was really nervous. I wasn’t surprised when I got the results and found that I had not achieved the necessary score in any of the three tests. Having taken Susan’s preparation course this year, I felt really prepared and knew before I got the results that I had done well. I am now studying General Nursing.